ChatGPT — First Impression
“World’s first truly useful chatbot”
What is ChatGPT ?
- On December 13, 2022, the artificial intelligence research lab OpenAI announced the release of Chat GPT [Generative Pre-trained Transformer]
- It is a text based conversational API that uses NLP(Natural language Processing) to generate responses to your questions.
- It generate high-quality human like text in real time. Also it can write code, article and many more things.
- URL —
Let’s see how it assists software developers.
First I asked a question — “Write a kotlin method that only returns the day from a given date”
Here is the output
- Wow, that’s impressive. It answered questions with concise details.
Next I asked — “add a unit test to the above code”
Just keep in mind that I haven’t put any code; I just said “above code.” and That’s the charm of this chatbot; he can deliver information based on the thread reference.
Let’s check the output:
- Yes I got exact output.
Does this code work?
So far, I’m pretty impressed with the results, I was not really expecting this level of detail.
But when it came to testing the code, I found a couple of issues that clearly highlight the shortcomings of this bot.